
Hunza, Gilgit, Pkistan, mountains, lake

Location of Hunza

Short History of Hunza

People of Hunza

Language in Hunza

Culture of Hunza


Traditional practices


Visit places in Hunza

Hunza Valley

Baltit Fort

Baltit fort, Hunza, gilgit, Pakistan night view

Altit Fort

Altit fort, Gilgit, Pakistan, day view

Attabad Lake

Attabad lake, Gilgit, Pakistan, Sunny view

Passu Cones

Passu cones. Hunza, Gilgit, Pakistan

Khanjerab Pass

Khanjerab pass, Gilgit, Pakistan

Hunza Eagle Nest

Hunza Eagle Nest, Hotel, Hunza, Gilgit, Pakistan, day view

Activities in Hunza



Cultural experience

Scenic drives

Best time to visit Hunza

How can I get to Hunza?

By air

By Road

My Opinion

Distance from Islamabad to Hunza

Famous foods of Hunza

  • Chapshuro.
  • Gyaling/Gral.
  • Buroshapik/Ghilmindi.
  • Diram Pitti.
  • Tumoro Tea.
  • Hoilo Garma.
  • Buttering Doudo.
  • Harisa.

These are the main famous foods which are widely used there in Northern areas.

Advices before visiting Hunza

  1. Keep warm clothes with yourself for protection against coldness.
  2. Blankets, hoodies, masks, food, water, medicine, extra clothes, extra petrol extra money should be with you. 
  3. Be respectful to the culture, traditions and festivals of Northern areas.
  4. Don’t eat too much in a journey otherwise you will may face the shortage of bathrooms and the distance is too long.
  5. Travel by plane if you have some physical and mental issues.
  6. Watch movies if you are movies lover and your time will spend quickly.
  7. You can also read books, Quran for passing of time quickly.
  8. Try to share extra food with the needy people.
  9. Snacks, biscuits and juices should be with you for avoiding bathroom issues.



What is the specialty of Northern areas of Pakistan?

The lush mountains, snow capped mountains, thick forests, stunning waterfalls, crystal clear lakes and the diet of people are well known in all over in Pakistan. Due to these features the northern areas of Pakistan are considered the backbone of Pakistan tourism.

What is the best time for tourism?

Generally, summer is the best season for visiting and exploring. I recommend to travel in summer because the days will be longer, weather will be completely fine i mean there will be no fear of falling glaciers and stones from the mountains of northern areas.

what is the most expensive thing in trip to northern areas of Pakistan?

The expanses of petrol is the most expensive thing now a days in Pakistan. Many people lost their interest in traveling just because of the expensiveness of the petrol prices in Pakistan as compare to price before in Pakistan.

Can I travel by plane?

Yes you can travel by plane to northern areas of Pakistan. Traveling by plane is highly recommended for those who are some serious problem of mentality or physicality.

What are the traveling advices to Hunza?

Keep warm clothes with yourself for protection against coldness.
Blankets, hoodies, masks, food, water, medicine, extra clothes, extra petrol extra money should be with you. 
Be respectful to the culture, traditions and festivals of Northern areas.
Don’t eat too much in a journey otherwise you will may face the shortage of bathrooms and the distance is too long.
Travel by plane if you have some physical and mental issues.
Watch movies if you are movies lover and your time will spend quickly.
You can also read books, Quran for passing of time quickly.
Try to share extra food with the needy people.
Snacks, biscuits and juices should be with you for avoiding bathroom issues.

Are northern areas are best for living?

If you are addicted to the modern world then you are not suitable for living in northern areas of Pakistan but if you are far away from the modern world and facilities and purely nature lover, then these areas are the best option for you to live. If you want to keep yourself very close to the nature then go on.

What type of improvement needed in Hunza?

Government just need to pay attention to these tourist destinations. Provide facilities to the locals and visitors by establishing industries there, by doing it many families and businessmen’s will migrate to the northern areas of Pakistan and thus the barren land will turn into green lush plains.

If you want to know in more details about the valley then visit here.